Shopping tips: How to buy vases and flower holders for living room

Moneycontrol News | May 24, 2024 | Images: Canva

Beautiful and artistic vases have long  been a staple in home décor, serving not  only as functional containers for flowers  but also as style statements that can elevate the aesthetic of any space

When selecting a vase, consider the following factors to ensure it complements your décor. The size of the vase should be in proportion to the space and the flowers or items it will hold

A large vase can overwhelm a small table, while a tiny vase may get lost on a large surface. Choose a vase that matches or contrasts well with your existing décor

Transparent glass vases blend seamlessly, while colored or patterned vases can create a striking visual impact. The shape of the vase should complement the style of your home

For a modern look, opt for clean, geometric shapes. Since vases are incredibly versatile and can be used in numerous ways to enhance your home’s décor, here are some interesting ways to use it

A beautiful bouquet can instantly brighten  up any room and bring a touch of nature indoors. Experiment with different flowers and vase shapes to find the perfect combination for your space

Vases can be displayed as standalone decorative items. Large, ornate vases can serve as focal points in a room, while smaller, simpler designs can be grouped together for a subtle yet stylish effect

Place vases on shelves, mantels, or side tables to add visual interest. Mix and match different sizes, shapes, and materials to create a dynamic display

Swap out vases with the changing seasons to keep your décor fresh and relevant

For example, glass vases with bright  flowers in spring, ceramic vases with sunflowers in summer, metal vases with autumn leaves, and porcelain vases with evergreen branches in winter

Some vases are so artistically designed that they double as pieces of art. Display them prominently in areas where they can be appreciated for their aesthetic value