Side-effects Of Eating Too Much Protein

Protein has the ability to hold onto water in the body. It can lead to dehydration.


Consuming too much protein can cause your body to expel calcium through urine. This can lead to poor bone health.

Bone Loss

It can also slow down digestion, resulting in problems like constipation.

Digestive Issues

Excess protein can strain your kidneys as they work harder to filter it out.

Kidney Damage

Protein can cause muscles to lose water, increasing the likelihood of cramps.

Muscle Cramps

Excess protein can lead to bad breath as breakdown of protein produces ammonia and other foul-smelling compounds.

Bad Breath

The liver manages the excess nitrogen generated during protein metabolism. Consuming too much protein can result in liver damage.

Liver Damage

Certain high-protein foods contain significant amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats.

Heart Disease Risk

Excess protein intake may also lead to diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort and nausea.


Excess protein intake can lead to imbalances in essential nutrients, like a potential shortfall in carbohydrates and essential fats, crucial for your health.

Nutrient Imbalance