Women suffer more severe heart diseases than men

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Moneycontrol News, August 31, 2023

Attention, ladies. According to the results of 15 studies from 50 countries, women suffer more when diagnosed with and treated for cardiac issues

This is because women mostly present with additional non-traditional chest pain symptoms including vomiting, jaw pain and abdominal pain

"Women tend to go to the hospital later than men after the onset of symptoms," said Mahdi O. Garelnabi, Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, US

The study, published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, also points out  that heart attack rates among  younger women are climbing

Figures suggest that heart attacks among women aged between 35 and  54 increased from 21 percent to 31 percent between 1995 and 2014

The rate for men, in the same  period, rose only slightly, from 30  to 33 per cent. "It's alarming that  heart attack rates are increasing in younger women," said Garelnabi

The findings are based on the  results of fifteen studies from 50 countries, including Brazil, China,  Egypt, India, Arabian Gulf countries  and the US among others