Simple Steps To Make Kheer At Home

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Rinse 1/4 cup basmati rice and soak in water for 30 minutes.

Drain the rice and blend into a coarse paste with 2 cups of milk.

Boil 4 cups of milk in a heavy-bottomed pan.

Add the rice paste, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.

Cook on low heat until the rice is fully cooked and the mixture thickens.

Add 1/2 cup of sugar and stir until dissolved.

Add a pinch of saffron soaked in warm milk for colour and flavour.

Add 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder for fragrance.

Garnish with chopped nuts like almonds, pistachios, and cashews.

Serve hot or chilled, as desired, for a delightful homemade kheer.