Floral Separator

Singapore Airshow – Asia’s largest – kicks off  with an array of aerial displays

With orders for China's COMAC and Boeing, Singapore opened the largest aviation gathering in Asia on February 20. The sector is struggling to meet the demand for travel following the pandemic despite severe supply limits. (Image: AP)

China's Tibet Airlines completed an order with the Commercial Aircraft Company of China (COMAC) on Tuesday for 40 C919 passenger jets and 10 ARJ21 regional jets.  (Image: AP)

The Singapore air show usually has fewer large order announcements than its equivalents in Paris, Farnborough, and Dubai because of its early scheduling in the year. (Image: Reuters)

The Singapore air show usually has fewer large order announcements than its equivalents in Paris, Farnborough, and Dubai because of its early scheduling in the year. (Image: Reuters)

The aerial performance on Tuesday concluded with the Black Eagles of the South Korean air force, doing acrobatic maneuvers in their T-50B aircraft. (Image: AP)