Skin Deep: 10 warning signs of heart disease that appear on your skin

Skin Discolouration Unusual skin colours, like bluish or purplish hues, can indicate poor blood circulation linked to heart issues.

Swelling and Puffiness Persistent swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet can be a sign of heart failure or other heart conditions.

Xanthomas  Yellowish, fatty deposits under the skin, often around the eyes or joints, can be a sign of high cholesterol.  

Skin Rash  A rash, especially around the fingers or toes, can be linked to endocarditis, an infection of the heart’s lining.

Clubbing of Fingers Thickened, widened fingers with curved nails may indicate long-term oxygen deprivation related to heart disease.

Livedo Reticularis A mottled purplish skin pattern often seen on the legs can be associated with poor blood flow and heart issues.

Skin Ulcers Chronic, non-healing ulcers on the lower extremities may signal peripheral artery disease, a condition linked to heart health.

Darkening Skin Hyperpigmentation, or darkening of the skin, particularly around scars or joints, can be related to heart disease complications.

Cold, Clammy Skin Consistently cold and clammy skin can indicate poor circulation and potential heart problems.

Red Spots Red or purplish spots under the skin (petechiae) can be a sign of endocarditis or other serious heart-related conditions.

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