Skip these breakfast foods for  good health

Sugary cereals

High in sugar and low in nutrients, sugary cereals can spike your blood sugar levels, leading to energy crashes and cravings later.

White bread toast

White bread is made from refined flour and lacks essential nutrients and fibre content. It gives no nutrition, making it a poor choice for breakfast

Deep-fried poori

One of the most loved breakfast dishes is unfortunately high in unhealthy fats and calories. The deep-fried breakfast dish gives no nutrition and contributes to weight gain and heart issues.

Pastries & Doughnuts

Loaded with sugar and unhealthy fats, pastries, and doughnuts can lead to weight gain and poor metabolic health. 


While parathas can be healthy, those loaded with excess ghee (clarified butter) are high in saturated fats, which can harm heart health.

Packaged fruit juices

Often marketed as healthy, packaged fruit juices contain a lot of added sugars, and preservatives. They also lack the fibre of whole fruits, making them less nutritious.

High-calorie smoothies

Smoothies that are loaded with sweeteners, full-fat yoghurt, and high-calorie ingredients can contribute to excessive calorie intake and weight gain, making them a poor breakfast choice.

Pancakes with syrup

This popular breakfast dish when topped with sugary syrup, is high in refined carbs and sugars. Consuming them first thing in the morning can lead to energy crashes and weight gain.

Processed meats

Bacon, sausages, and other processed meats may look good on the plate in the morning but they are high in saturated fats and sodium, responsible for increased cholesterol levels and hypertension.

Breakfast bars

Do you crave for instant energy? Many breakfast bars promise this but they are high in sugar and low in protein and fibre, making them a poor choice for sustained energy and nutrition.

10  foods that help you feel fuller