Sleep tight: 8 drinks to avoid before going to bed

Alcohol Alcohol can make you feel drowsy but it will not ensure sound sleep. It can disrupt the later stages of your sleep cycle, reducing the amount of deep sleep and REM sleep. Avoid drinking alcohol three to four hours before bed.

Caffeinated beverages Beverages that contain caffeine like tea, coffee and energy drinks can keep you alert and awake. It blocks the effects of adenosine, a brain chemical that makes you feel tired. Hence, you are awake for longer.

Sugary drinks Drinking sugar like juices and sodas can spike your blood sugar levels, which might result in energy fluctuations, making it harder to fall asleep. They can also lead to waking up in the middle of the night due to sugar crashes.

Carbonated drinks Sodas and sparkling water can cause bloating and indigestion, leading to discomfort when trying to sleep. The gas produced can create an uneasy feeling in the stomach, making it harder to fall asleep.

Spicy drinks Spicy teas or cocktails contain ingredients such as ginger or chilli that can cause acid reflux or indigestion, which may interrupt your sleep.

Creamy drinks Creamy drinks like milkshakes and lassis should be avoided. They are hard to digest and may cause discomfort or indigestion when consumed close to bedtime.

Excessive water Many of us prefer to drink a glass of water before bed. This is a good practice but drinking a lot of water can lead to frequent trips to the bathroom during the night, disrupting your sleep cycle.

Green tea While green tea has many health benefits, it contains caffeine, which can prevent you from falling asleep or staying asleep. It is advisable to drink herbal teas without caffeine, such as chamomile, before bed.

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