Soaked Almonds Or Unsoaked Almonds: 

Producer: Peuli Bakshi Editor: Manuj Yadav

Which Is Better?

Both soaked and unsoaked almonds are considered healthy, but soaked almonds might be a preferable choice for individuals with digestive issues or those of advanced age. Here are the reasons why.

Improved Digestion: Soaking almonds softens them, making them easier to chew and digest compared to unsoaked ones.

Increased Nutrient Absorption: Soaking almonds removes phytic acid, an anti-nutrient that can absorb essential minerals.

Improved Protein Digestion: Soaking activates enzymes that aid in the breakdown of proteins, enhancing digestion.

Enhanced Nutritional Value: The soaking makes nutrients such as vitamins B and E, more accessible for the body.

Reduced Tannins: Tannins in almond skin can interfere with nutrient absorption. Soaking helps to reduce them, making the nutrients more readily available.

Enhanced antioxidant content: Soaking in water enhances the antioxidant content of almonds and is thus, better than eating it raw.