Stay Green: Long-living houseplants for your home

Spider Plant Spider plants are resilient and can thrive for decades with minimal care and indirect sunlight.

Snake Plant Snake plants are low-maintenance and can live for decades, tolerating low light and infrequent watering.  

Peace Lily Peace lilies can flourish for many years with proper care, including regular watering and indirect light.  

Aloe Vera Aloe vera plants can live for decades, providing health benefits and requiring minimal maintenance.

Rubber Plant Rubber plants can grow for many years, thriving with occasional watering and bright, indirect light.

Fiddle Leaf: Fig Fiddle leaf figs can live for decades with proper care, including regular watering and indirect sunlight.  

ZZ Plant: ZZ plants are hardy and can live for years, tolerating low light and infrequent watering.  

Pothos: Pothos plants can thrive for decades with basic care, growing well in various light conditions.

10 easy steps to follow while planting mint pudina at home