Steer clear of these 9 ultra-processed foods for a healthier you

High sugar contents in soda, energy drinks, and fruit-flavoured beverages contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

Sugary Beverages

Fast food is high in calories, harmful fats, and sodium, and it frequently lacks important nutrients and fibre.

Fast Food

High in unhealthy saturated fats and sodium processed meats foods like hot dogs, sausages, and bacon are linked with an increased risk of certain cancers and heart disease.

Processed Meats

Candies, cookies, pastries, and other sugary snacks not only contribute to weight gain, but is a reason of various dental issues.

Sugary Snacks

They are highly processed and contain added sugars, artificial flavours, and colours. Choose whole-grain or other low-sugar alternatives instead.

Breakfast Cereals

Pre-packaged frozen dinners often contain high levels of sodium, artificial additives, and preservatives, and usually lack fresh vegetables and whole grains.

Frozen Meals

They are typically high in saturated fats and additives.

Processed Cheese

These items frequently include high levels of harmful fats, salt, and artificial additives.

Flavoured Chips and Snacks

They have a negative impact on cardiovascular health, inflammation, and blood sugar control.

Highly Processed Cooking Oils