Moneycontrol News August 31, 2023

Stunning pics of Super Blue Moon from around the world

Buenos Aires, Argentina

A stunning Super Blue Moon illuminated the skies on August 30, in a phenomenon that won't be seen again for more than a decade.


Apollo Temple, Greece

Supermoons occur when the Moon passes through its perigee, or the point that takes it closest to Earth during its elliptical orbit. 


Istanbul, Turkey

The Super Blue Moon, the second full moon of a calendar month, rises behind Galata tower in Istanbul.


Nicosia, Cyprus

The moon appeared to be bigger and brighter than usual, given its proximity to Earth: 3,57,344 kilometres or so.


Darwin, Australia

August got two supermoons in a rare phenomenon this year making it truly a “once in a blue moon” occurrence.


Rabat, Morocco

The previous super blue Moon occurred in December 2009.


Dubai, UAE

A former, centuries-old definition, hailing from the 1500s, deems the Blue Moon as the third full moon within a season featuring four full moons.