Symptoms of heart attack in women: Don't ignore these red flags

Moneycontrol News | August 6, 2024

Symptoms of heart attacks in women can be subtler than in men, making early detection and treatment more challenging

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Chest pain or discomfort:  This may feel like pressure, squeezing, or fullness in the chest, typically on the left side or centre. The discomfort can last for minutes or fluctuate, sometimes disappearing and returning

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Pain in other areas:  Discomfort from a heart attack can radiate to the back, neck, jaw, or arms. This pain might not be isolated to the chest, and its spread can make the symptoms less immediately recognisable as heart-related

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Shortness of breath:  Women may experience difficulty breathing, either with chest pain or independently. This symptom can occur suddenly or during activities, and it may  be accompanied by or occur without  chest discomfort

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Nausea or vomiting:  Heart attacks can cause gastrointestinal distress, including nausea or vomiting. These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for other digestive issues

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Unusual fatigue:  Extreme tiredness not linked to physical exertion can signal a heart attack. This fatigue is often profound and can persist even with rest, and it may be mistaken for simple exhaustion or stress

Lightheadedness or dizziness:  This can result from reduced blood flow and may cause unsteadiness or the sensation of being about to faint

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Cold sweat:  Unexplained sweating, especially when it occurs alongside other symptoms, is a red flag. This cold sweat often appears suddenly and without an obvious cause

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Indigestion or heartburn:  Severe indigestion or heartburn-like sensations can sometimes mask a heart attack. These symptoms may be confusing, as they are often associated with gastrointestinal issues

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