The Tamil Nadu government has launched a Rs 1,000 crore initiative called "North Chennai Development" among a slew of other announcements as a part of the ongoing budget session.
Rs 1,000 crore to launch a new "North Chennai Development" initiative to encourage uniform development across the capital and boost basic amenities and infrastructure in North Chennai.
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority to set up a "world-class global sports centre.”
Rs 25 crore to renovate and refurbish facilities at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai.
Rs 320 crore for flood mitigation programmes and cleaning water channels in Chennai.
Rs 1,000 crore for the Kalaignar Memorial Multi Super Speciality Hospital in King Institute in Guindy, which will be opened for the public this year.
Chennai Metro Rail Project - Poontamalli Metro Line to be commissioned in December.
Rs 50 crore for the development of Chennai island.
30 acres of nature-quality city public square and open-air theatre will be set up on Chennai Island.
Rs 621 crore for a four-way bridge from Teynampet to Saidapet above Chennai Metro elevated corridors to reduce traffic congestion in Anna Salai.
Rs 1,500 crore for the phase-wise restoration of the Adyar river including cleaning, plugging sewage outfall, installation of sewage treatment plants and setting up parks, green spaces and open gyms.
Memorials for language stir martyrs Thalamuthu and Natarajan in Chennai.
Skill training for family members of those killed by manual scavenging and subsidies for procuring equipment and safety gear to be started in Chennai, then expanded to other parts of Tamil Nadu.
Rs 20 crore for creating sporting, education and entertainment facilities in Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board tenements in Kannagi Nagar, Navalur, Athipattu and Perumbakkam.