Tasty Sakkarai Pongal Recipe

Producer:  Snigdha Oreya

Ingredients: ½ cup rice, 1/3 cup moong dal, ½ cup jaggery, 5 green cardamom, 1 clove

Ingredients: 5 tbsp ghee, 15 cashew, 1 tbsp raisin

Roast rice and moong dal. Once cooled, rinse them a couple of times.

Pour 3 cups of water. Pressure cook rice and dal for 8 whistles on medium heat.

Mash the rice and dal.

Make jaggery syrup with jaggery and crushed cardamom and clove.

Strain the syrup and add it to the mashed rice and dal.

Garnish with fried cashews and raisins.