Five teas to choose during the monsoon season

By Nandini Das

Published June 26,  2024

Monsoon weather often brings cooler temperatures and dampness. A hot cup of tea provides warmth and comfort, helping to ward off the chill and creating a cozy atmosphere indoors. A look at some must-have teas:

Lemon Tea Lemon tea, with its tart citrus flavour, can give a pleasant and hydrating experience that aids in the elimination of stickiness and refreshes the palette.

Ginger Tea  People consume spicy dishes and ginger is well known for its digestive advantages, which may ease the stomach and aid with digestion.

Cardamom Tea Cardamom is high in antioxidants and vitamins which improves immunological function. This can help prevent against seasonal  infections common during monsoons.

Tulsi Tea Known for its antibacterial qualities making it useful to combat flues or diseases common during the monsoons.

Masala Tea It may increase the release of digestive enzymes, decreases bloating which be aggravated during the monsoon.

DISCLAIMER Suggestions are for informational purposes. Please consult a qualified nutritionist or doctor before incorporating dietary changes.