From Gajanana to Ekadanta: 8 Powerful Names of Lord Ganesha

By Archisha Yadav | August 30, 2024

Vakratunda, the first avatar, conquered the demon Matsarasura, showing that wisdom lies in understanding one’s limits, no matter how powerful one is.

Image: Canva


Ekadanta defeated Madasura, who was intoxicated with power and alcohol, teaching the lesson that pride and arrogance lead to downfall.

Image: Canva


Mahodara battled Mohasura, the embodiment of delusion, and reminded us that devotion and surrender can transform even the most misguided souls.

Image: Canva


Gajanana defeated Lobhasura, a demon born from lust. This avatar teaches that greed and selfish desires can lead to one’s destruction.

Image: Canva


Lambodara subdued Krodhasura, a demon created from Shiva’s anger. This form represents the containment and transformation of anger into peace.

Image: Canva


Vikata vanquished Kamasura, a demon born from lust and desire, teaching that true satisfaction comes from within, not from worldly desires.

Image: Canva


Vighnaraja defeated Mamasura, who was blinded by attachment. This avatar shows that detachment from worldly pleasures is key to spiritual growth.

Image: Canva


Dhumravarna defeated Ahamkarasura, a demon born from ego. This avatar reminds us that ego leads to self-destruction and humility is the path to salvation.

Image: Canva
