The top 10 economies of the world: Where does India stand?

With a GDP of $27,974 billion, the USA continues to be the largest economy in the world. Its strong growth is attributed to its varied economic sectors, which include manufacturing, services, finance, and technology. 


With a GDP of $18,566 billion, China's impressive economic growth propels it to the second rank. China is a major player on the global stage because of its manufacturing, export, and investment-driven economy. 


With a $4,730 billion GDP, Germany, renowned for its robust industrial base, technological superiority, and export-focused strategy, takes third place.


With a $4,291 billion GDP, Japan, a major player in technology, automotive manufacturing, is ranked fourth.


India's economy is valued at $4,112 billion and ranks fifth. With a large population and diverse sectors, India is well-positioned for future growth and development. 


The United Kingdom (UK) ranks sixth, with a GDP of $3,592 billion. Financial services, creative industries, and global trade all play a significant role in its economic strength.

The UK

France's GDP reaches $3,182 billion in 2024, placing it seventh.


Italy's GDP is $2,280 billion, ranking eighth. The country excels at fashion, design, and automobile manufacturing. 


Brazil's economy is valued at $2,272 billion and ranks ninth. Brazil's agriculture, mining, and energy sectors are rich in natural resources and contribute to the country's economic vitality. 


Canada rounds out the top 10 with a GDP of $2,242 billion. Its diverse economy includes industries such as natural resources, technology, and finance.


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