The world's most powerful passports in 2023 are...

A new global index has revealed the best passports to have in 2023.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) tops the list compiled by consultancy firm Nomad Capitalist.

It was ranked 35th in 2022 and 38th in 2021.

New changes such as application for dual citizenship and the friendly tax system has influenced UAE's ranking.

The Nomad Capitalist Passport Index rated 199 countries.

Ratings were based on visa-free travel opportunities, taxation of citizens, dual citizenship possibilities, perception and personal freedom.

Luxembourg dropped one position to second in 2023.

Switzerland has risen from fifth to third position this year.

Ireland, which offers one of Europe’s lowest corporate tax rates, ranked fourth.

Portugal, Germany, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Sweden, and Finland are ranked fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and 10th, respectively.

The UK passport fell down from 26th last year to 30th.

The United States passport is ranked 43rd in the world.

India's passport ranks 159T, with a total score of 44.501.

Eritrea, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan were among the very last five countries.

Afghanistan finished last, a position it has held for years, with only 26.5 points.