These are the world’s 9 most common food allergies

Peanut allergies are common and can cause severe reactions; always check labels for hidden ingredients.

Allergies to almonds, walnuts, and other tree nuts can be life-threatening; avoid cross-contamination. 

Shellfish allergies, including shrimp and crab, are prevalent and can cause serious reactions; read menus carefully. 

Fish allergies are distinct from shellfish allergies; common culprits include salmon and tuna; avoid all fish products.

Milk allergies often affect children, causing symptoms like hives and digestive issues; opt for dairy alternatives.

Egg allergies are common in children; watch for eggs in baked goods and processed foods. 

Wheat allergies cause reactions to proteins found in wheat; choose gluten-free options for safety.  

Soy allergies are common in children; avoid soy-based products and read labels for hidden soy.

Sesame allergies are on the rise; be cautious with foods containing sesame seeds or oil.

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