Things You Should Never Keep at Your Home Entrance As Per Vastu

By Archisha Yadav | September 12, 2024

Avoid placing dead or withered plants at the entrance. They symbolise stagnation and negative energy, blocking prosperity from entering. Use healthy, vibrant plants instead.

Image: Canva

Dead Plants

Remove broken or defective items like clocks or vases from the entrance. They bring negative energy and can create a poor atmosphere. Keep the entrance clear for positive energy flow.

Image: Canva

Broken Items

Keep sharp objects, such as scissors or knives, out of sight at the entrance. These can create a negative, unwelcoming vibe. Store them safely to promote harmony.

Image: Canva

Sharp Objects

Avoid placing dark-coloured items, like black mats or statues, at the entrance. These can drain positive energy and make the space feel gloomy. Choose lighter colours to invite positivity.

Image: Canva

Dark Coloured Objects

Never place trash bins near the entrance as they attract negative energy. Keep them in a hidden spot to maintain a clutter-free, welcoming space for good energy.

Image: Canva

Trash Bin

Don’t leave shoes scattered at the entrance. They should be kept neatly in a corner or a shoe rack to maintain a clean and organised look, inviting good vibes into your home.

Image: Canva


Avoid placing septic tanks near the entrance as they block positive energy and prosperity. Ensure they are situated far from the main door to keep the area auspicious.

Image: Canva

Septic Tanks

Do not place mirrors directly opposite the main door. According to Vastu, they reflect positive energy out, preventing it from entering the home.

Image: Canva

Mirrors Near Entrance

A rusted lock on the main gate blocks prosperity and positive energy. Always ensure the lock is new and in perfect working condition.

Image: Canva

Rusted Lock

Avoid thorny plants like cacti at the entrance. They represent hardship and can lead to tension within the household. Opt for plants that promote peace and harmony instead.

Image: Canva

Thorny Plants