This Tea Is Considered To Be Good For Diabetes

This Tea Is Considered To Be Good For Diabetes

Producer: Nishad T

Apples are considered very beneficial for overall health.

Blood sugar levels are always in control if you consume apples regularly.

Apple tea is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and sodium are found in large proportions in apples.

Apple tea helps a lot in reducing weight. If you want, you can drink it even post your workout session.

Drinking apple tea also strengthens immunity.

Apple contains a good amount of flavonoids, which helps in keeping the eyes healthy.

You can control sweet cravings by drinking apple tea. The glycemic index of apple peels is very low.

Drinking apple tea improves bone health. Apple is rich in magnesium, potassium and sodium. 

While making apple tea, you can add cinnamon, apple peel and lemon.

Put water in a pan and heat all three. After this, filter and drink the tea.