9 hidden germ hotspots in your home

Tiny Trouble-Makers:

These can harbour lots of bacteria, so it's important to clean and replace them regularly.

Kitchen Sponges and Dishcloths

Our phone goes everywhere with us, including into germ-prone places. Always clean your phone using disinfecting wipes.

Mobile Phone

These are touched frequently, and it's easy for dirt and bacteria to accumulate between the keys. Use compressed air to remove dirt and disinfect gently.

Computer Keyboards and Mouse

Your refrigerator can be a breeding ground for bacteria, especially in neglected spills and forgotten leftovers. Clean it regularly.


Doorknobs and handles are frequently touched by various people. They can accumulate germs and should be cleaned regularly.

Door handles

Bathrooms, with their moist and warm environment, are a haven for germs. High-touch areas like faucets, toilet flush handles, and light switches should be cleaned frequently to maintain hygiene.


Children's toys, especially those that are shared or kept in common areas, can be teeming with germs. Wash and disinfect them regularly, especially if shared.

Kids' Toys

Your pet's food and water bowls, as well as their toys, can be sources of bacteria. Wash pet bowls and toys frequently.

Pet Areas

Over time, the drum and rubber seals can accumulate moisture and soap scum, which can breed bacteria and mould. Leave the door ajar to let it dry between loads and clean the seals with a disinfectant.

Laundry Machines