Here are some tips to keep your car in good shape this summer with easy maintenance:

Coolant System

Keeping cool is paramount, not just for ourselves but also for our cars. Check your coolant level regularly and top it up if necessary.

Engine Belts

There is usually a serpentine belt that runs between the alternator, the fan and several other components. Check it for wear and tear.


Yes, its summer, but it’s probably going to rain at some point. Replace your wipers if they are old.

Other Essential Fluids

Yes, its summer, but it’s probably going to rain at some point. Replace your wipers if they are old.

Air-Conditioning System

Air-conditioning is a summer essential. If the system hasn’t been working properly but wasn’t really a pressing issue over the winter, now’s the time to get serious.

Air Filter

Check your air filter regularly and replace it if necessary.


Check your tire pressure regularly and make sure they are properly inflated.

Dashboard Sunshade

Use a dashboard sunshade to protect your dashboard from sun damage.