Moneycontrol News JUne 06, 2024

Tips to keep your house cool in summer without AC

Tips to keep your house cool in summer without AC

Ensure your ceiling fans are rotating counterclockwise to create a wind-chill effect

Close curtains and blinds during the hottest part of the day to prevent heat from entering your home. Consider using blackout curtains for maximum effect.

Open windows on opposite sides of your home to create a cross breeze that helps move hot air out and bring cool air in.

Use energy-efficient LED bulbs, which generate less heat than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Seal gaps around windows and doors to prevent warm air from entering and cool air from escaping.

Hang wet sheets or place bowls of ice in front of fans to create a cooling breeze through evaporation.

Open windows and doors at night when temperatures drop to allow cool air to flow in. Close them in the morning to trap the cool air inside.

Use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to expel hot air and reduce indoor humidity.