Moneycontrol News July 09, 2024

Tips to prevent mosquitoes around house during monsoon

Tips to prevent mosquitoes around house during monsoon

Regularly check and empty any containers that can collect water, such as flower pots, buckets, and old tires. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so eliminating these sources is crucial. Ensure your home’s surroundings are dry and free of puddles.

Clean your gutters and drains to prevent clogs that can trap water. Stagnant water in these areas can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Use creams or sprays on exposed skin to repel mosquitoes. Opt for repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Reapply as directed, especially after sweating or washing.

Diffuse essential oils like eucalyptus, lemon, and tea tree in your home. These oils have natural mosquito-repellent properties. Alternatively, mix them with water and spray around your hom

Turn on ceiling fans to create airflow that mosquitoes dislike. The breeze makes it difficult for mosquitoes to fly and land. Use fans in rooms where you spend the most time, especially at night.

Burn mosquito coils or use liquid vaporizers indoors to repel mosquitoes. These products release insecticidal fumes that keep mosquitoes at bay. Ensure proper ventilation when using these devices.

Grow plants like citronella, lavender, and marigold in your garden. These plants naturally repel mosquitoes due to their scent. Position them near entryways and outdoor seating areas for added protection.