Moneycontrol News April 2, 2024

Tips to protect skin during summer

Summers are almost here and the time of intense heat is upon us. Protection of skin during the hot season is mandatory otherwise it can lead to sunburns, allergies and more.

Avoid the sun between 10 am to 2 pm as it is at its most intense form during those hours. If you are outside, use an umbrella and make sure to apply sunscreen on exposed parts.

Using sunscreen is a must and this fact cannot be stressed enough. Re-apply every two hours to protect yourself from sunburn. Higher SPF numbers indicate better protection.

Wear sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection to help prevent damage around your eyes.

Avoid sunbathing as it can lead to severe tanning, sunburns and even induce painful allergies.

Check your skin for any changes such as new spots, existing spots that don’t go away or anything that looks suspicious. Contact your dermatologist for anything out of the ordinary.