Tips To Safeguard Your Eyes during Heatwave

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Several regions in India are experiencing heatwaves that are exceeding expected levels. These extreme temperatures can have numerous detrimental effects on the body, including the eyes.

Try to remain indoors as much as possible, particularly during the afternoon when temperatures peak. This can help minimize exposure to the harsh environmental conditions that exacerbate eye problems.

Stay Indoors

Drink plenty of water to keep your entire body, including your eyes, well-hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining the health and function of your eyes, especially in hot weather.


When you must go outside, wear sunglasses with maximum UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays. This can help prevent photokeratitis and other sun-related eye conditions.

Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

The increased temperatures can cause rapid evaporation of the tear film, leading to dry eyes. To combat this, splash cold water on your eyes several times a day and use artificial tears or eye lubricants more frequently to maintain adequate moisture levels.

Prevent Dry Eyes

Rubbing your eyes can lead to irritation and increase the risk of infection. If your eyes feel itchy or uncomfortable, use eye drops instead of rubbing them.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Wearing contact lenses can exacerbate dryness. Try to limit their use and opt for glasses whenever possible to reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome.

Limit Contact Lens Use

Avoid sharing personal items such as cosmetics, handkerchiefs, towels, pillowcases, and sheets, especially if you or someone around you has red eyes or symptoms of conjunctivitis. This helps prevent the spread of infections.

Maintain Personal Hygiene

If you have pink or red eyes, avoid swimming to prevent the spread of infection and further irritation from chlorinated or contaminated water.

Avoid Swimming with Eye Infections

If you experience persistent redness, pain, or irritation in your eyes, seek advice from an eye specialist. Early intervention can help prevent more serious complications.

Consult an Eye Specialist