Workout time: 9 everyday exercises that even lazy people can do

Stand up once an hour  Begin your fitness routine with this simple step. Make sure to stand up once every hour to do activities like filling your bottle or using the bathroom.

Park at the farthest end of the parking lot Parking your vehicle a long way of from the elevator ensures that you walk more.

Take the stairs  This simple exercise is proven to be the best one for lazy as well as active people. Climbing stairs elevates your heart rate and works your thigh and calf muscles.

Clean your home more often This may seem an odd practice but cleaning your home can be a good exercise. Household chores like vacuuming or changing the sheets can actually get your heart pumping.

Go on a walk Make plans to go on a walk with a friend instead of the usual coffee date. You can still gossip and catch up with them.

Workout at home If you are not a gym person then work out in the comfort of your home. There are hundreds of guided exercise videos on YouTube that you can follow to get your body moving.

Do activities you enjoy  Be it dancing your heart out or polishing the hood of your car, all activities can be turned into an exercise. Doing things that you enjoy will make it easier for you to get in the spirit of exercise.

Go for cycling Cycling can be an awesome way to refresh your mind and help you feel fresh. It is also an excellent alternative to moving without getting too weary.

Perform the game of 10s Aim to perform 10 pushups and 10 situps every day even if they aren't consecutive. It's the most effective way to slowly and gradually develop the habit of exercise.

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