By Khushi thakur june 18, 2024

Turtles and Tortoises

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Many turtle and tortoise species, in India and around the world are in the process of becoming threatening species due to the pet trade. Indian Star Tortoise, is one species that gets traded illegally and often suffers from lack of good care.

Pit Bulls

Image Source: Canva

In many part of India Pit Bulls ownership is banned as they are known for their powerful build and history of dogfighting associated.


Image Source: Canva

Snakes as pets are banned in India because the species is often targeted for its supposed medicinal properties and for intoxication. Because of this, they are illegally traded for this reason. Especially Indian cobras and pythons, are illegal to keep as pets.

Monitor Lizards

Image Source: Canva

Monitor lizards are bigger and predators, due to claws and teeth. They can prove to be dangerous pets as they can inflict serious injuries.


Image Source: Canva

The Indian national bird is a beautiful, brightly blue coloured animal, having a blue fan-like crest and long tail covert feathers that bear colourful eyespots and spread out into a beautiful semi-circle. The law protects peacocks as owning or capturing peacocks can lead to severe penalties.


Image Source: Canva

Bears have a cuddly appearance, especially sloth bears, but this animal is a very powerful predator that possesses sharp claws and teeth. Their unpredictable nature makes them dangerous for captivity.

Indian Pangolin

Image Source: Canva

The Indian Pangolin is one of the most trafficked mammals in the world, due to its physiology, their scales are sold and trafficked. Keeping a pangolin as a pet fuels the illegal wildlife trade.


Image Source: Canva

Species such as the saltwater crocodile and the gharial are apex predators. Crocodiles have an enormous, gigantic size, younger ones can grow to a huge size that poses a serious threat to humans if kept as pet.

Big Cats

Image Source: Canva

In addition to being risky, keeping large cats as pets—such as tigers, lions, and leopards—also helps these threatened species in the wild to become less common. In particular, tigers are considered endangered animals, and it is illegal to have tigers as pets.


Image Source: Canva

 Elephants are known for their intelligence and have a cultural significance in India, they cannot be kept as pets. They require extensive care and space, they have complex needs that are to be fulfilled and their captivity is regulated to prevent cruelty.