Top 10 Creatures with the shortest lifespan

by MoneyControl News 23 May, 2024

1. Mayfly

They live in water areas in North America. Once they moult into adults, they live for less than 24 hours.

Image source: Freepik

2. Gastrotrich

The gastrotrich is a microscopic worm-like animal found in freshwater areas worldwide. Their lifespan is for about 5 days.

Image source: Wikipedia

3. Luna Moth

Luna moths do not have mouths; they survive on the stored fat from their larvae stage. Their life span is for about a week.

Image source: Freepik

4. Mosquito

Mosquitoes are an old species that have been around since the Jurassic era. Their lifespan is for about 8-9 days.

Image source: Freepik

5. American Butterfly

Compared to other butterflies, the American butterfly has the shortest lifespan. Their lifespan is for 2 weeks.

Image source:  Wikipedia

6. Fly

Fly play a valuable role in the ecosystem. Their lifespan is for about 15-16 days.

Image source: Freepik

7. Drone Ant

Unlike regular ants, the drone ant has wings and a large body similar to a wasp. Their life span is for 3 weeks.

Image source: Freepik

8. Indian meal moth

They are invasive pests that can bite through plastic and infest sealed food containers. They live for about 28 days.

Image source: Freepik

9. African Killfish

Since the rainy season is so short in Africa, the African Killifish must mature and lay eggs before the water dries up. Their life span is of 35 days.

Image source: Freepik

10. Housefly

The entire lifecycle of the fly is extremely short at one to two months total.

Image source: Freepik