Top 10 Brainiest Animals Species on Earth

By Khushi thakur JULY 16, 2024


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Chimpanzees have impressive intellectual abilities they can learn sign language to communicate with humans. The most amazing feature of the chimpanzee is its ability to use symbols for objects and combine the symbols in a sequence to convey a complex idea.


Image Source: Canva

Ravens are extremely intelligent birds, and, in part because of it, they are associated with omens in many cultures.


Image Source: Canva

Orangutans have a strong culture and system of communication and many have been observed using tools in the wild. These intelligent animals live in widely scattered communities and form strong social bonds, which may be the key to their advanced cognitive skills.


Image Source: Canva

Elephants are quite elegant, cultured, curious and have good memories. So much so, that they can recognize up to 30 relatives from their urine scents – proving useful for elephants to keep track of one another. Elephants have the largest brain among land animals. 


Image Source: Canva

Pigs are intelligent species that are often underestimated in terms of cognitive abilities.


Image Source: Canva

The intelligence of rats is one reason they are so often used for research. The lab rat has been known to find shortcuts, loopholes and escape routes in the laboratory experiments designed by the top scientific minds of our time.


Image Source: Canva

Dolphins are smarter than almost any other creatures on the planet. They also have a sophisticated "language". They are highly capable of both learning and mimicry and they are also known for their playful behaviour.


Image Source: Canva

Octopuses are skilled at making tools out of whatever they find around them. Certain species are known to use the deadly Portuguese mano'-war jellyfish's tentacles as weapons, while others gather and transport coconut shells in order to construct their own homes.


Image Source: Canva

Pigeons are actually quite smart. They can recognize hundreds of images even after several years have passed. They can also identify themselves in a mirror, be taught to perform a sequence of movements and to discriminate between two paintings.


Image Source: Canva

Crows are incredibly bright birds that are well-known for their fascination with shiny things. They are capable of a form of higher thought previously thought to belong solely to humans and a select few other mammals.