August 13, 2024


 Top 10 Countries Leading the Hair Loss Parade!

According to data compiled by World Population Review and Super Hair Pieces, these countries boast the highest percentage of bald men:

1. Czechia

Image: Canva

Leading the pack with a staggering 42.8% of men experiencing hair loss.

2. Spain

Image: Canva

Close behind Czechia, with 42.6% of men dealing with baldness.

3. Germany

Image: Canva

Claiming the third spot, with 41.2% of men affected.

4. France and UK

Image: Canva

Tied in the fourth position, with 39.2% of men experiencing hair loss.

5. Italy

Image: Canva

Following closely with 39.2% of bald men.

6. Netherlands

Image: Canva

With 38.9% of men affected by hair loss.

7. Poland

Image: Canva

At 38.8%, slightly behind the Netherlands.

8. USA

Image: Canva

A significant portion of the male population, at 37.9%, deals with baldness.

9. Canada

Image: Canva

Rounding out the top ten with 36.3% of bald men.

10. Belgium

Image: Canva

With 36% of men affected by hair loss.