Top 10 countries with the largest Hindu population

India's Dominance: India hosts the world's largest Hindu population, rooted in centuries-old cultural heritage

Nepal's Presence: Nepal, with Hinduism as the major religion, is a significant hub

Bangladesh's Influence: A substantial Hindu community resides in Bangladesh, enriching the nation's diversity

Indonesia's Blend: Indonesia features a notable Hindu population, especially in Bali, fostering cultural diversity

Pakistan's Heritage: Hindus form a significant minority in Pakistan, contributing to the nation's cultural mosaic

Sri Lanka's Tradition: Sri Lanka embraces Hinduism, particularly in regions like Northern and Eastern provinces

Mauritius' Demography: Hinduism holds a substantial presence in Mauritius, shaping the island nation's cultural tapestry

Trinidad and Tobago: Hinduism contributes to the diverse religious landscape of Trinidad and Tobago

Guyana's Richness: Guyana boasts a significant Hindu population, highlighting its cultural richness