Top 10 Famous Discoveries  Done By Scientists 

By Khushi thakur june 18, 2024

1 ) Albert Einstein (Theory of Relativity)

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This revolutionary theory has contributed to humankind's transformation as it expanded our understanding of gravity, space, and time. This theory says that gravity is not a force, but a curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy.

2) Isaac Newton (Laws of Motion and Universal Gravitation)

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The discovery of gravitational force and Newton's laws of motion describe the relationship between an object and the forces acting on it. These laws have greatly contributed to the human understanding of motion, planetary orbits, and engineering.

3) Nikola Tesla (Wireless Communication and (AC) Power)

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Tesla's vision of making a world that has wireless communication made him conduct experiments with radio waves and build a tower for wireless transmission (Wardenclyffe Tower).  Tesla's work on alternative current power (AC) laid the foundation for the modern electrical grid, allowing the transmission of electricity over long distances.

4) Charles Darwin  (Theory of Evolution) 

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This theory was introduced to expand and revolutionise our understanding of life. This proposed theory of  Darwin explains that all living things have common ancestors,  species evolve over time through a process called natural selection.

5) Stephen Hawking  (Black Hole Theory)

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Hawking has made great contributions to broadening humankind's understanding of black holes, including the concept of Hawking radiation.

6) Marie Curie (Radioactivity)

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Marie Curie has done research on radioactivity with the discovery of two elements named Polonium and Radium that laid the foundation of the development of nuclear physics.

7) Louis Pasteur  (Germ Theory of Disease)

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Louis Pasteur worked on the development and advocacy of the germ theory of disease, which explains how diseases happen, It was widely held that environmental influences or bad air were the primary causes of diseases. Pasteur's investigations demonstrated that diseases were caused by microbes, or germs.

8) Johannes Kepler  (Laws of Planetary Motion)

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Kepler formulated three fundamental laws of planetary motion that describe the elliptical orbit of planets and their motion around the Sun.   

9) Galileo Galilei  (Heliocentrism)

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Galileo's introduction of the heliocentric model, that explains to us about the solar system, where the Sun, not the Earth, is at the center. This theory challenged the prevailing geocentric model.

10) Alan Turing  (Turing Machine and Turing Test) 

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In 1942, a group of scientists led by Alan Turning succeeded in creating the first nuclear chain reaction under control. The development of nuclear power and weaponry was greatly aided by this finding.