Top 10 Fastest Birds in the World

By Rajni Pandey | September 11, 2024

Known as the fastest bird and animal on the planet, the peregrine falcon can reach speeds of up to 240 mph in a hunting dive. Its remarkable speed helps it snatch prey mid-air with precision.

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Peregrine Falcon

Golden eagles, with their broad wings and strong build, are renowned for their speed during hunting dives. These majestic birds of prey can reach incredible speeds to catch their quarry.

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Golden Eagle

The largest of all falcon species, the gyrfalcon is a formidable hunter with high-speed pursuit skills. Capable of reaching speeds of 130 mph, they are found in Arctic regions chasing prey like ptarmigans.

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Common swifts are expert aerial acrobats, spending much of their lives in the air. These birds can fly at speeds up to 106 mph, using their speed and agility to catch insects while flying.

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Common Swift

The white-throated needletail is one of the fastest birds in powered flight, reaching speeds of up to 105 mph. Its speed and maneuverability are key to its survival, especially in mountainous regions.

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White-throated Needletail

The Eurasian hobby is a small, agile falcon known for its incredible speed and dexterity in catching small birds and insects mid-flight. It can reach speeds of up to 100 mph in short bursts.

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Eurasian Hobby

Frigatebirds are experts at gliding over the ocean, often flying at high speeds to cover great distances. These seabirds are known for their lightweight bodies and can fly at speeds up to 95 mph.

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The spur-winged goose is the largest goose species and one of the fastest birds in flight. Despite their size, these geese can reach speeds of 88 mph, flying swiftly across African wetlands.

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Spur-winged Goose

The red-breasted merganser is one of the fastest ducks, capable of flying at speeds up to 81 mph. They are expert divers and fast flyers, commonly found zooming across lakes and rivers.

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Red-breasted Merganser

Known for their endurance and speed, grey-headed albatrosses can reach speeds of 79 mph. These seabirds are capable of flying great distances at high speeds, especially during long migrations.

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Grey-headed Albatross