Top 10 Flowers That Bloom Throughout The Year

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

Are you looking for flowers that bloom 365 days? Here are the top 10 flowers that bloom throughout the year.


Rose has over 300 species and is found in many different colours such as pink and white. It can survive all weather and keep blooming throughout the year.


Bougainvillea is an evergreen climber plant that has paper-like thin petals.


Ixora is an easy-to-care-for flowering plant that blooms throughout the year.


The lantana flower has a mix of red, yellow, and orange colours of the petals. It is loved for its all-year blooming capacity.


This flower is native to Madagascar. It is a low-maintenance flowering plant.


Kalanchoe has small petals along with bright colours. It is mainly native to Madagascar and tropical Africa.


Jasmine flowers are known for their aroma. They have five white petals.

Golden Trumpet

Golden trumpet flowers can bloom all year round. The flower’s trumpet-like face opens.


Snapdragons are the most unique-looking flowers that bloom all year round. This flower resembles the face of a dragon.


Aparajita is among the flowers that bloom every year and is surely the show-stopper because of its shaded appearance on the petals.