Top 10 Houseplants Searched Worldwide 

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Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh


Known for its heart-shaped leaves, it is a low maintenance plant that usually can be grown in a pot.

Devil's Ivy

Also called pothos, it is an evergreen vine. The plant can survive even if it is not watered regularly.


Found in every continent except Antarctica and Europe, the lucky bamboo plant is indestructible.


The succulent is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant plant. It can easily grow offset plants.


One of the toughest plants to exist, they are great air purifiers. They look great on desks.


Available in different varities, these succulents are great at enhancing the beauty of your house or office.

Jade Plant

These plants are easy to maintain and have terrific air-purifying qualities.

Also called Leopard Lily, these plants are quite poisonous and may cause swelling if ingested.

Dumb Cane


One of the most tolerant houseplants, they looks great in hanging baskets.


Also known as the elephant's ear, their striking foliage makes them a great indoor plant.