Top 10 Images Of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory

By Khushi thakur JULY  23, 2024

This is the image of the Crab Nebula formed with blue, red and purple clouds of gas, located in the constellation Taurus. Chandra used its X-ray vision to detect high-energy radiation.

Crab nebula

Image Credit: NASA

This image is of a double star cluster that has blue clouds it is a part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, on the upper corner of the image there are bright, golden stars in the larger cluster.

NGC 1850

Image Credit: NASA

This is the image of Cassiopeia A supernova, which is a ball made of matter and energy released from the exploding star. Continuously expanding rings of neon blue and brilliant white.

Cassiopeia A

Image Credit: NASA

This is the image of the Pillars of Creation, having three towers formed due to gas and dusts. Chandra reveals high-energy emissions from young, massive stars within the region.

M16 (Eagle Nebula)

Image Credit: NASA

This nebula, which is part of the constellation Orion, is full of young, hot stars that are releasing powerful X-rays. Neon pink and white stars along with the swirling clouds detected by chandra.

Orion Nebula

Image Credit: NASA

Cat's Paw Nebula or (NGC 6334). This nebula resembles a paw of a cat having red and purple clouds of gas and dust over the stars in interstellar space.

Cat's Paw Nebula

Image Credit: NASA

The Bat Shadow also known as Serpent Nebula have several, bright pink and white stars. Brown clouds are mostly stretched in the black space along with blue and grey clouds.

Bat Shadow 

Image Credit: NASA

This image is of a bright, giant star named WR 124 shines with diffraction spikes, encircled by a turbulent wind cloud in shades of red and purple.

WR 124

Image Credit: NASA

Centaurus A galaxy in this image has a supermassive black hole at the centre shooting particles into starry space. This galaxy has a purple cloud on top of red cloud.

Centaurus A

Image Credit: NASA

NGC 6872 is a large spiral galaxy with two stretched arms. The purple represents the hot gas detected by Chandra.

NGC 6872

Image Credit: NASA