Top 10 Mesmerizing Images Of Nebula Shared By NASA

By Khushi thakur JULY 25, 2024

Orion Nebula

Image Source: NASA

Orion Nebula is with the recently formed star V380 Orionis, shining on the cloudy bed of gas and dust coloured in purple and blue.  

Helix Nebula

Image Source: NASA

The image of the Helix Nebula reveals a white dwarf star at its centre. This nebula formed when a star exhausted its fuel, causing it to expand and shed its outer layers.  

Butterfly Nebula

Image Source: NASA

Butterfly Nebula, covers over 3 light-years, there is a dying white star that is extremely hot have temperature 250,000 degrees C. 

Keyhole Nebula

Image Source: NASA

Keyhole Nebula is a part of the much larger Carina Nebula, it is a small dark cloud of cold molecules and dust swirling, containing bright filaments of hot, fluorescing gas.

Crab Nebula

Image Source: NASA

The Crab Nebula formed due to the supernova. This Nebula spread over up to 10 light-years. In the center of Nebula there is a pulsar.

Lagoon Nebula

Image Source: NASA

Lagoon Nebula is a star nursery located 4,000 light-years away having vibrant colours. This nebula giant star, called Herschel 36.

Cat’s Eye Nebula

Image Source: NASA

Cat's Eye Nebula also known as NGC 6543, this image displays a bull's-eye pattern featuring eleven or more concentric rings, or shells, surrounding the Cat's Eye Nebula.

Helix Nebula

Image Source: NASA

This image of the Helix Nebula reveals a delicate network of filamentary "bicycle-spoke" structures set within a vibrant red and blue ring of gas.

Red Spider Nebula

Image Source: NASA

This nebula is located 3,000 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius. The nebula has waves, harbouring one of the hottest star. 

Orion Nebula

Image Source: NASA

Orion Nebula is vibrant, illuminated by numerous young stars, which, through their intense ultraviolet light and powerful stellar winds, create the dynamic and colorful scene seen in the image.