Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries to Avoid Traveling To in 2024

By Priyanka Roshan | Sept 2, 2024

Traveling to certain countries can be risky due to conflicts, high crime rates, or political instability. According to the Institute for Economics and Peace's 2024 Global Peace Index, here're the top 10 most dangerous countries to avoid in 2024:

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10. Mali

Ongoing conflict and security issues in Mali pose significant risks to travelers.

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9. israel

Regional tensions and conflict-related risks impact travel safety in Israel.

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8. syria

Prolonged conflict and instability make Syria a high-risk country for travelers.

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7. russia

Due to ongoing geopolitical tensions and internal security issues, Russia is considered a risky destination.

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6. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Persistent violence and instability in the DRC pose serious safety risks.

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5. ukraine

The ongoing conflict with Russia has significantly increased the risks associated with traveling to Ukraine.

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4. afghanistan

Continued conflict and security challenges make Afghanistan one of the most hazardous places to visit.

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3. south sudan

Persistent civil war and violence render South Sudan extremely dangerous for travelers.

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2. sudan

Ongoing violence and political instability make Sudan a high-risk destination.

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1. Yemen

As the least peaceful nation in the world, Yemen suffers from severe conflict and humanitarian crises.

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