Top 10 Quotes By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar For A Happy Married Life

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh August 30, 2024

“Demand destroys love.”

“Do not ever doubt or question their love for you.”

“Leave some room for conflicts in a relationship. You don’t want everyone to be just like you.”

“Humor is very essential in life, especially in relationships. It can ease the anger and tension. Differences can remain but with humor, they do not cause much harm.”

“If you are too possessive, the other person will run away. Trying to control or possess somebody triggers a chain of negative thinking.”

“People who expect others to cajole and appease them bring down the joy and celebration of the moment and make others run away.”

“It is okay to show you are upset once in a while, but doing it over and over again is taxing for you and the people you love.”

“Never make the other person feel guilty.”

“If one is upset, the other partner should keep quiet and give them that space.”

“Relationship goes through a rosy and glorious phase to momentary shakiness. Commitment is what holds it together. Spirituality is what gives the strength to see it through.”