Top 10 Sad Quotes About Life

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

Life is full of ups and downs. Here are the top 10 sad quotes about life.

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

"When life gives you lemons, sometimes there’s no sugar and salt to make lemonade."

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Floral Pattern

 "I am feeling lost in a world that doesn’t understand."

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Floral Pattern

 "I am smiling on the outside, dying on the inside."

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Floral Pattern

"It’s hard to forget someone who gave you the best memories."

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Floral Pattern

"My smile is lost somewhere in this world."

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Floral Pattern

"I’m not lost but I’m on a journey to find myself."

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Floral Pattern

"I may be feeling down today, but tomorrow I’ll rise stronger."

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Floral Pattern

"Trying to hide the pain behind this smile."

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Floral Pattern

"Feeling like I’m sinking in the ocean of my thoughts."