Top 10 Sleepiest Animals in the World

By Rajni Pandey | September 19, 2024

Koalas sleep for up to 22 hours a day, conserving energy to digest their nutrient-poor eucalyptus leaf diet.

Image Credit: Canva


Famous for their slow movement, sloths sleep around 15-20 hours daily, resting in treetops to avoid predators.

Image Credit: Canva


This tiny bat can sleep up to 20 hours per day, hanging upside down in caves, conserving energy during inactive periods.

Image Credit: Canva

Little Brown Bat

Giant armadillos sleep for around 18 hours daily, spending their time in underground burrows for protection and warmth.

Image Credit: Canva

Giant Armadillo

Opossums are nocturnal and spend about 18-20 hours resting during the day, hiding from predators and waiting for nightfall to forage.

Image Credit: Canva


These apex predators sleep up to 16 hours a day, conserving energy to stalk and hunt their prey efficiently.

Image Credit: Canva


Lemurs, especially nocturnal species, sleep for around 16 hours daily to maintain energy levels for their foraging activities.

Image Credit: Canva


Pythons sleep for up to 18 hours a day, conserving energy between feeding sessions due to their slow metabolism.

Image Credit: Canva


Tree shrews sleep about 15 hours per day in their nests, with short bursts of activity between long naps.

Image Credit: Canva

Tree Shrew

The king of the jungle sleeps for up to 20 hours a day, especially after a big meal, allowing them to conserve energy for hunting.

Image Credit: Canva

African Lion