Top 5 Bee-Friendly Flowers For Your Home Garden

Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Manuj Yadav

Did you know bees are responsible for pollinating most of the fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables?

Here are five bee-friendly flowers that you can plant in your home garden.


These daisy-like blooms are often found in purple and pink colour. Aster blooms during late summer and autumn.


Sunflower is a popular flower with radiant yellow petals and a deep brown core. Its broad face offers a generous amount of pollen, making it a sumptuous feast for bees.


Lavender is known for its calming aroma and has a slender stalk with a tiny purple bloom. It is rich in nectar.


It is a common flower in a golden-orange shade. It not only attracts bees but also can help repel garden pests.


It is a star-shaped blue flower in tiny size. It contains nectar which makes it a bee favourite.