Top 5 best cities  to find a job  in the US

Moneycontrol News September 10, 2024

Images: Unsplash

A new study on labour-market conditions in more than 50 metro areas across the US has found that popular cities like New York and San Francisco are not the best options for job seekers.

A report from ADP Research found that these five cities ranked the best for job seekers based on metrics such as starting wages for new hires, pay growth, and the hiring rate in each market between 2023 and 2024.

Portland has seen strong, consistent demand for talent in education and health care over the past year.

5. Portland, Oregon

Seattle  has also seen strong, consistent demand for talent in education and health care last year.

4. Seattle, Washington

The metro areas around Las Vegas, Nevada; are the hottest job markets in the US.

3. Las Vegas, Nevada

Oklahoma City is the second best city in the US for job seekers because major employers in these regions are in industries that have been less affected by pandemic-induced disruptions or prolonged inflation.

2. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

In Denver, the strongest sectors include financial services, health care and manufacturing, which are widely considered to be “recession-proof” industries.

1. Denver, Colorado