Top 5 mining countries in the world

By Bhagyashree Vaswani

Published June 12, 2024

In 2023, a total of 104.1 billion tonnes of domestic materials were extracted globally.

Here’s a list of the top five largest extractors of domestic materials, according to Statista and UNEP’s Global Material Flows Database.

With nearly 17,000 businesses involved in the sector, Russia's mining industry is vital to the country's overall economy.

No. 5


3.10 billion tonnes

Being home to the world’s second-largest iron reserves, the fourth-largest bauxite reserves, and the seventh-largest gold reserves, the foundation of Brazil’s mineral industry is mainly metallic ores.

No. 4


5 billion tonnes

U.S. mining firms continue to provide significant domestic employment in the country, which amounted to roughly 539,000 jobs as of 2020.

No. 3

United States

7.98 billion tonnes

In 2023, India overtook the United States for the first time to become the second-largest extractor of domestic materials.

No. 2


8.03 billion tonnes

With over 1,500 mining operations, China is the world’s leading producer of several important mineral commodities.

No. 1


34.20 billion tonnes