Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Top 8 Summer Fruits in India

India is rich in plant diversity. During summer, some of the best tropical fruits are available in India. Here are a few of them.

Mango Mango is the king of fruits in the Indian subcontinent. Mango season starts in summer and continues till the middle of the monsoon. 

Jackfruit It is a giant fruit with a wonderful fruity smell and is eaten as a vegetable. Jackfruits are formed on the main trunk of a tree.

Jamun The black fruits have a combination of sweet, mildly sour and astringent flavour and tend to colour the tongue purple.

 Karaunda These berry-sized fruits are formed on a prickly shrub. The fruit is a rich source of iron and vitamin C.

 Tadgola These are fleshy, watery, sweet jelly seeds formed inside tough Palmyra palm fruits. 

Watermelon It is a popular fruit in India during summer. Some varieties like Sugar Baby and sugar queen of watermelon are preferred.

Jujube Popularly known as ber in India, these sour fruits are formed on a small thorny tree.

Wax jambu These bell-shaped white, pink, or red waxy fruits are formed on a medium-sized evergreen tree. It has a mild sweet flavour and cotton candy-like mesh.