Top 9 Uncommon Wonders Of Nature

By Khushi thakur JUNE 24, 2024

Fire Rainbow

Also known as "circumhorizontal arcs," this rainbow is not formed due to rain but due to the sunlight that refracts through ice crystals in clouds.  Fire rainbows appear as fiery orange and red hues on the top and blue or green on the bottom.

Image Credit: Canva

Ball Lightning

This is a mysterious phenomenon where a glowing spheres of electrical energy appear during thunderstorms. Ball lightning can vary in size and color, and its behavior is not fully understood by science.   

Image Credit: Canva

Bioluminescent Waves

Bioluminescent plankton in the ocean creates an outer world view, as it glows blue or green at night witnessing this gives a rare and unforgettable sight.

Image Credit: Canva


Penitentes are tall, needle-like formations that grow in cold, high altitude environments. These spiky structures are generated in snow when the top layer melts in the bright daytime sunlight and then refreezes at night.

Image Credit: Canva

Blood Falls

Blood Falls happens in Antarctica's this is a waterfall cascading red liquid. The reddish color is due to iron oxide-rich saltwater seeping from a lake beneath a glacier.  

Image Credit: ALASDAIR TURNER/Getty Image

Sailing Stones

The sailing stones is a unique phenomenon found in Death Valley National Park in California.  These rocks leave long tracks behind them as they wander mysteriously across the level desert plain.

Image Credit: Canva

Volcanic Lightning

Volcanic lightning, also referred to as "dirty thunderstorms," happens when a volcano erupts violently.  Within the eruption plume, friction between volcanic gases and ash particles generates electrical charges that result in lightning.

Image Credit: Canva


These are the spectacular explosions of massive stars at the end of their lifespans. Witnessing this phenomenon is very rare from Earth. Supernovae can be so bright that they briefly outshine their entire host galaxy.  

Image Credit: Canva

Ice Circles

These are the spectacular explosions of massive stars at the end of their lifespans. Witnessing this phenomenon is very rare from Earth. Supernovae can be so bright that they briefly outshine their entire host galaxy.  

Image Credit: Canva