Large & midcap mutual fund schemes, a relatively new category that SEBI formed in 2018, aims to achieve growth with lower volatility by combining the established and emerging businesses
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 26
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 24
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 24
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 24
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 18
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 16
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 14
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 13
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 5
No. of large & midcap schemes that held the stock: 15